Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
14414 4.950 5.100 7.350 5.880 5.670
24915 59.410 55.100 57.350 63.240 58.510
34564 8.910 9.180 10.290 20.590 11.640
44464 2.970 6.120 17.650 20.590 10.450
51993 12.870 13.270 20.590 14.710 14.930
63994 16.830 20.410 10.290 42.650 21.790
74524 10.890 6.120 7.350 13.240 9.250
81773 18.810 13.270 14.710 16.180 15.820
95875 26.730 30.610 32.350 38.240 31.340
OUT364836 18.041 17.687 19.770 26.147 19.933