Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
13984 19.700 7.750 16.900 15.490 14.640
25195 28.030 41.860 39.440 47.890 37.970
31923 5.300 12.400 9.860 16.900 10.420
44154 9.090 6.980 18.310 9.860 10.170
53904 5.300 10.080 15.490 21.130 11.410
65885 38.640 42.640 25.350 36.620 37.220
72313 4.550 6.980 14.080 9.860 7.940
84364 4.550 3.100 5.630 7.040 4.710
95084 3.030 1.550 4.230 2.820 2.730
West OUT367736 13.132 14.816 16.588 18.623 15.246