Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
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  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
104 9.302 7.937 9.677 11.290 9.235
205 28.682 33.333 32.258 29.032 30.871
304 10.078 3.968 9.677 8.065 7.652
404 6.977 5.556 11.290 6.452 7.124
503 8.527 15.079 9.677 17.742 12.401
604 5.426 1.587 0.000 3.226 2.902
705 20.930 16.667 20.968 27.419 20.580
803 6.202 5.556 3.226 1.613 4.749
904 9.302 11.905 11.290 17.742 11.873
West OUT036 11.714 11.287 12.007 13.620 11.932