Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
1004 5.426 7.937 11.290 6.452 7.388
1104 13.953 8.730 11.290 20.968 12.929
1205 28.682 21.429 24.194 22.581 24.538
1303 7.752 6.349 4.839 11.290 7.388
1404 7.752 11.905 9.677 19.355 11.346
1505 31.783 28.571 25.806 16.129 27.177
1603 9.302 5.556 11.290 3.226 7.388
1704 6.977 3.968 3.226 8.065 5.541
1804 6.202 5.556 8.065 6.452 6.332
West IN036 13.092 11.111 12.186 12.724 12.225