Hole Summary- Par On Average -

The percent of time the green was hit in regulation
(including greens hit in 1 stroke on par-4 holes and in 2 strokes on par-5 holes).

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
104324 48.280 58.620 65.520 51.720 56.030
115074 20.690 24.140 24.140 34.480 25.860
124324 48.280 75.860 75.860 37.930 59.480
134604 65.520 72.410 41.380 51.720 57.760
143644 82.760 72.410 75.860 68.970 75.000
151943 58.620 48.280 48.280 41.380 49.140
164104 68.970 79.310 51.720 72.410 68.100
175355 72.410 82.760 96.550 96.550 87.070
182273 34.480 37.930 24.140 17.240 28.450
IN356135 55.557 61.302 55.939 52.489 56.321