Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
104994 2.110 8.510 7.810 7.810 6.310
111973 16.840 15.960 12.500 6.250 13.560
125955 17.890 20.210 26.560 43.750 25.550
135024 8.420 2.130 4.690 3.130 4.730
144114 12.630 8.510 40.630 10.940 16.720
154334 14.740 15.960 17.190 23.440 17.350
162153 9.470 11.700 10.940 14.060 11.360
174214 20.000 14.890 20.310 18.750 18.300
184254 14.740 5.320 10.940 10.940 10.410
IN369835 12.982 11.466 16.841 15.452 13.810