Hole Summary- Par Or Better -

The percent of time a score of par or better was recorded.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Values in parentheses indicate difficulty of the hole.
  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
104084 84.060 86.130 - - 84.450
113954 78.260 86.130 - - 83.530
123824 86.230 87.590 - - 88.860
131753 82.610 90.510 - - 85.850
145625 87.680 94.160 - - 92.580
154074 77.540 79.560 - - 80.510
162043 84.780 83.210 - - 84.690
174154 63.770 75.180 - - 71.460
186075 81.160 87.590 - - 85.610
IN355536 80.677 85.562 - - 84.171