Hole Summary- Par Or Better -

The percent of time a score of par or better was recorded.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Values in parentheses indicate difficulty of the hole.
  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
103764 84.620 100.000 92.110 89.470 91.500
114864 44.870 89.470 81.580 75.000 72.550
124904 70.510 73.680 71.050 77.630 73.200
131413 92.310 92.110 98.680 93.420 94.120
146085 83.330 88.160 86.840 89.470 86.930
154254 80.770 84.210 93.420 82.890 85.290
161833 89.740 88.160 92.110 88.160 89.540
174914 74.360 81.580 73.680 77.630 76.800
185625 93.590 94.740 94.740 93.420 94.120
IN376236 79.344 88.012 87.134 85.232 84.894