Tournament article
ANA Open Golf Tournament 2021
Ryo Ishikawa scored 68 on 1R last day on his 20s which started with golf and ending with golf

Tomorrow, September 17th is his birthday, and he will turn 30 years old, so this was his last day in 20s, but Ryo says he totally forgot about that until media reminded him.
"On the score card, it was 4 birdies and no bogeys, but there are still so many hurdles that I must overcome. I am not satisfied with my game at all, and my 20s has ended anyhow."
His 20s was 100% golf.
"I have challenged the US PGA Tour and played on magnificent stage. I fortune that experience. But the swing change that I have been working for since last year is still far away from completion. I had suffered from back ache to sometime and had to stay away from tournaments. I have built my body tougher with plenty of muscle training, so unless I fall down from stairs or have accidents, I am sure that I will be strong and healthy through my 30s. This is the most important task that I will keep on taking care of."
Media spoke out to Ryo saying, "try scoring 30 on either front or back nine". Ryo was surprised to hear that, but he smiled back and joked, "how about scoring 30 for the full round?"