Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
14214 7.339 9.174 8.333 - 8.986
25825 36.697 33.028 37.963 - 37.097
31883 11.009 11.009 7.407 - 9.447
44364 8.257 11.927 10.185 - 9.908
51983 9.174 4.587 7.407 - 7.604
64334 2.752 8.257 5.556 - 7.373
73784 15.596 19.266 16.667 - 16.820
84184 12.844 7.339 14.815 - 10.829
95215 31.193 52.294 38.889 - 40.783
OUT357536 14.985 17.431 16.358 - 16.539