Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
14544 4.237 4.274 5.128 - 5.544
23984 16.949 12.821 13.675 - 14.499
35855 14.407 19.658 11.111 - 14.286
41883 10.169 2.564 7.692 - 6.823
53454 16.102 16.239 8.547 - 12.793
64154 9.322 5.983 6.838 - 6.397
72023 9.322 5.128 9.402 - 7.249
85345 26.271 29.060 29.915 - 30.277
93594 9.322 11.966 10.256 - 9.808
OUT348036 12.900 11.966 11.396 - 11.964