Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
103754 33.051 27.350 21.368 - 27.079
111703 8.475 6.838 5.983 - 7.889
124214 4.237 11.966 4.274 - 6.823
131713 16.102 12.821 5.983 - 12.793
144104 10.169 7.692 17.094 - 11.514
154524 5.932 7.692 7.692 - 6.610
163504 14.407 19.658 19.658 - 17.058
175445 28.814 18.803 16.239 - 20.256
183934 13.559 13.675 4.274 - 9.595
IN328635 14.972 14.055 11.396 - 13.291