Hole Summary- Par Or Better -

The percent of time a score of par or better was recorded.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Values in parentheses indicate difficulty of the hole.
  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
103834 91.111 93.333 88.889 - 89.636
115215 94.444 88.889 94.444 - 91.036
124204 54.444 74.444 80.000 - 72.549
131863 81.111 81.111 91.111 - 82.353
144544 52.222 68.889 78.889 - 69.748
154394 88.889 88.889 80.000 - 83.193
166065 78.889 84.444 88.889 - 86.275
172023 86.667 85.556 75.556 - 82.353
184024 86.667 90.000 80.000 - 84.874
King IN361336 79.383 83.951 84.198 - 82.446