Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
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  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
104424 16.129 2.198 8.889 13.483 10.193
111763 17.204 19.780 17.778 25.843 20.110
124434 13.978 7.692 13.333 29.213 15.978
135515 35.484 40.659 36.667 41.573 38.567
144004 16.129 12.088 18.889 20.225 16.804
154254 9.677 13.187 10.000 8.989 10.468
166635 9.677 4.396 13.333 20.225 11.846
172013 13.978 24.176 16.667 13.483 17.080
183894 17.204 37.363 17.778 41.573 28.375
IN369036 16.607 17.949 17.037 23.845 18.825