Hole Summary- Par Or Better -

The percent of time a score of par or better was recorded.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Values in parentheses indicate difficulty of the hole.
  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
104404 82.609 85.714 - - 84.153
113834 79.348 92.308 - - 85.792
123974 89.130 85.714 - - 87.432
131383 94.565 93.407 - - 93.989
144044 85.870 93.407 - - 89.617
155545 85.870 95.604 - - 90.710
164084 94.565 84.615 - - 89.617
172003 80.435 74.725 - - 77.596
185575 88.043 90.110 - - 89.071
IN348136 86.715 88.400 - - 87.553