Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
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  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
103834 21.739 6.522 15.217 15.217 14.674
115215 33.696 40.217 51.087 45.652 42.663
124204 17.391 10.870 15.217 9.783 13.315
131863 8.696 6.522 16.304 10.870 10.598
144544 4.348 5.435 5.435 6.522 5.435
154394 7.609 10.870 5.435 7.609 7.880
166065 17.391 5.435 8.696 10.870 10.598
172023 6.522 10.870 17.391 10.870 11.413
184024 11.957 10.870 14.130 20.652 14.402
King IN361336 14.372 11.957 16.546 15.338 14.553