Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
14004 14.815 9.524 19.672 - 12.540
23824 10.185 3.810 8.197 - 9.550
34244 11.111 15.238 16.393 - 14.630
41583 11.111 13.333 19.672 - 14.030
55355 25.000 17.143 22.951 - 23.880
63784 7.407 16.190 16.393 - 13.730
72113 7.407 5.714 9.836 - 8.060
84664 5.556 5.714 8.197 - 5.970
95545 15.741 14.286 31.148 - 20.900
East OUT350836 12.037 11.217 16.940 - 13.699