Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
13104 35.833 30.508 22.388 - 30.910
25055 40.833 34.746 37.313 - 36.560
31523 8.333 10.169 20.896 - 11.830
43854 17.500 14.407 16.418 - 17.470
51593 23.333 28.814 16.418 - 23.920
64154 7.500 14.407 10.448 - 10.750
73354 23.333 23.729 20.896 - 22.040
84704 5.000 10.169 4.478 - 8.870
93554 20.000 27.119 22.388 - 24.460
IN308635 20.185 21.563 19.071 - 20.757