Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
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  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
104324 8.696 8.696 0.000 8.696 6.522
114804 13.043 13.043 0.000 13.043 9.783
124324 0.000 13.043 17.391 21.739 13.043
134604 13.043 21.739 13.043 0.000 11.957
143644 26.087 21.739 30.435 13.043 22.826
151943 4.348 13.043 8.696 13.043 9.783
164104 17.391 17.391 26.087 21.739 20.652
175355 56.522 56.522 60.870 47.826 55.435
182243 0.000 8.696 0.000 0.000 2.174
IN353135 15.459 19.324 17.391 15.459 16.908