Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
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  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
104804 3.788 6.107 7.463 5.970 5.542
114554 6.061 2.290 7.463 4.478 4.786
122353 1.515 3.053 1.493 10.448 3.526
135475 20.455 29.771 20.896 34.328 25.945
143504 20.455 16.031 10.448 11.940 15.869
154154 10.606 13.740 7.463 13.433 11.587
162073 3.030 8.397 5.970 7.463 6.045
174104 12.879 10.687 17.910 14.925 13.350
184244 14.394 9.924 11.940 8.955 11.587
IN352335 10.354 11.111 10.116 12.438 10.915