Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
14154 12.500 20.980 6.150 24.620 16.310
25385 27.780 25.870 46.150 16.920 28.300
32233 8.330 6.990 3.080 12.310 7.670
44654 6.250 9.090 3.080 6.150 6.710
53994 13.890 18.180 10.770 35.380 18.230
65725 26.390 34.270 46.150 13.850 30.220
73924 18.750 17.480 15.380 16.920 17.510
82133 9.720 6.990 9.230 10.770 8.870
94514 6.250 6.990 12.310 3.080 6.950
OUT366836 14.429 16.316 16.922 15.556 15.641