Hole Summary- Birdie Average -

The percent of time a score of birdie was made.
You can see the holes that are easy to capture

  • ※ Total value is updated after the round.
13734 16.080 13.990 13.890 15.280 14.880
25475 17.480 22.380 54.170 37.500 28.600
34374 4.200 12.590 9.720 9.720 8.840
44034 6.290 10.490 12.500 12.500 9.770
52043 4.900 11.190 13.890 8.330 9.070
63874 14.690 11.190 15.280 22.220 14.880
71573 11.190 13.990 12.500 9.720 12.090
85425 36.360 40.560 37.500 43.060 39.070
94334 13.290 11.890 23.610 19.440 15.580
OUT348336 13.831 16.474 21.451 19.752 16.976