冨田 三十士

Mitoshi TOMITA (Age 81)




Tour Career Record

Tour Career Record<Professional>

*Career Money and Tour Victories
are based on data since 1973,
and others are based on data since 1985.

Career Money ¥19,141,143
Tour Victories1 ※Including the number of wins as an amateur
9 holes minimum score3131PEPSI UBE 1985 (1985/05/23 ~05/26) KYUSHU OPEN 1986 (1986/09/04 ~09/07)
18 holes minimum score64KYUSHU OPEN 1986 (1986/09/04 ~09/07)
36 holes minimum score/1-2139YOMIURI SAOPPOROBEER OPEN 1986 (1986/06/19 ~06/22)
36 holes minimum score/sequence135PEPSI UBE 1985 (1985/05/23 ~05/26)
54 holes minimum score/1-2-3210PEPSI UBE 1985 (1985/05/23 ~05/26)
54 holes minimum score/sequence
72 holes minimum score
9 holes minimum putt10DUNLOP INTERNATIONAL OPEN 1986 (1986/04/24 ~04/27)
18 holes minimum putt2424TOHOKU CLASSIC 1986 (1986/06/05 ~06/08) PGA CHAMPIONSHIP 1986 (1986/07/24 ~07/27)
18 holes most birdies9KYUSHU OPEN 1986 (1986/09/04 ~09/07)

Tour Victories

1985/09/05 -09/08CHUSHIKOKU OPEN 1985HIROSHIMA 281 (-7) 71-70-71-69 ¥2,500,000