日吉 稔

Minoru HIYOSHI (Age 80)


Tour Career Record

Tour Career Record<Professional>

*Career Money and Tour Victories
are based on data since 1973,
and others are based on data since 1985.

Career Money ¥7,218,331
Tour Victories0 ※Including the number of wins as an amateur
9 holes minimum score3434GOLF DIGEST 1985 (1985/10/17 ~10/20) NST NIIGATA OPEN 1986 (1986/07/31 ~08/03)
18 holes minimum score70GOLF DIGEST 1985 (1985/10/17 ~10/20)
36 holes minimum score/1-2149NST NIIGATA OPEN 1986 (1986/07/31 ~08/03)
36 holes minimum score/sequence
54 holes minimum score/1-2-3
54 holes minimum score/sequence
72 holes minimum score
9 holes minimum putt12NST NIIGATA OPEN 1985 (1985/08/01 ~08/04)
18 holes minimum putt26NST NIIGATA OPEN 1986 (1986/07/31 ~08/03)
18 holes most birdies5GOLF DIGEST 1985 (1985/10/17 ~10/20)

Playoff Record

  • Win:0 -Lose:1
  • ○0-●1
  • ☆:Winner
1978/07/13 -07/16kanto open 1978 ☆Seiichi KANAI/ Min-Nan HSIEH